Tuesday, October 14, 2008

It's a Start!

Well, I've decided to finally join the "bloggers". I know that I will not update as much as most people I know but it's a start. I really like the countdown on the top. We went to the doctor yesterday and was informed that I had been counting wrong. So here we are at week 17, we thought we were a week farther. We set the appointment for the ultrasound to find out the sex on Tuesday October 28th. Our gut feeling is a girl but we won't know for sure until then. Check back then!


Jacey said...

Yeah! I'm so excited you are blogging! We'll all bug each other to update now. Nikki gets on my case when I don't update and now that they're in Spokane we can bug her.

The Viehweg's said...

Hey now, I have to go to the library to do any updates!! Jen, Jacey is right, since we are so far away I will need more updates.

The Viehweg's said...

Ok, I don't even have my own computer here and I still have newer posts than you. I am positive that you have something post worthy to talk about!!!