Sunday, September 19, 2010

Mirror Lake

Mirror Lake

Mirror Lake

These beautiful shots are off the cliff by Bald Mountain - about 10 minutes from Mirror Lake. The surrounding country is magnificent, but nothing compares to the two people in the picture - the two cutest people I know!

Fathers and Sons Outing: Going Home

Provo River Falls - Mirror Lake Country

Fathers and Sons Outing: Good Morning!

Who needs an alarm clock when Austin is around?

Fathers and Sons Outing: Piling the Wood

Austin was very fascinated with organizing the wood pile on Grandpa's lap. It got to the point that Grandpa had to have Uncle Brett take some of the wood off of his lap and sneak it back onto the pile!

Fathers and Sons Outing: Playing in the Dirt

Fortunately, most of the campsite was grassy, but Austin did manage to find some dirt and rocks to play with. He had to go find the dirt at least every once in a while just to make sure it hadn't gone anywhere. He might have even taken some home with him.

Apples and Oatmeal: Before and After

After: Well, now that Austin is a little older, how well does he do with some funny textured food in his mouth? Hmmm....

Before: Back in late 2009, we introduced Austin to his first textured food: apples and oatmeal. You may remember some of his...faces.

4th of July

Watching fireworks and cuddling with Grandma is the life. Why don't we do this more often??

Making delicious homemade ice cream is lots of work, but mostly for Grandpa. Austin was just fascinated with the whole process.

Grandma and Grandpa got Austin his very own chair to sit on whenever they sit on the patio. He really liked it - especially when he could play with Grandpa's tiny squirt gun while sitting on the chair. Ahhh, such novelties!

Pops with the Cousins

This was Austin's first experience with pops. He was excited to use them because of the noise and because he was with his cousins. Again, the laugh is the cutest!

Swinging with Jacey

On the 4th of July, Austin had lots of fun with Aunt Jacey swinging on Great-Grandpa's tree swing. The laugh is the cutest!

Fourth of July