Wednesday, January 2, 2013


The boys were very excited for Christmas.  They had enjoyed little gifts from the Christmas Bear for the 12 days before Christmas and looked forward to what Santa would bring them.
A new car, a Volkswagon "love"Bus.

Probably one of his favorite things. Piggy Banks for the boys.

Spencer checking out his stack of presents and deciding which one to open next.

He loved his new cars. A school bus, a Lion car and a WeeHoo car (aka a police car).

Austin checking out his stocking.
Spencer checking out some new toys.
New puzzles, cars, and movies. Also wearing new Buzz Lightyear jammies.

Putting money in his piggy bank.

Playing with Lincoln Logs.
Indoor bowling
Later Christmas morning we headed to the Viehweg's to celebrate.
Austin showing his new Play-Doh Pizza Shop from Keegan.
Playing Legos with Jacey and Jon. Also checking out a new Mack Truck.

Funny boy. New toys and presents and Spencer finds Grandma's regular toys to play with.

He got some new McQueen cars from Keegan.

So tired he even fell asleep doing a breathing treatment. We all had a great holiday.

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve with the Jameson's this year.
Spencer watching "A Mickey Christmas Carol"

Opening presents. A new outfit from Uncle Brett.
New hats from Grandma. Austin loves his Monkey Hat with Tentacles. That is what he calls it.

Lightning McQueen Hat, of course. Spencer sure does love McQueen.

Ice Age. He loves that too. We have already watched it several times.

A new vest and better view of his Monkey Tentacle Hat.
A new fleece blanket---Lightning McQueen
A new fleece blanket---Buzz and Woody

Playing with the new Lego's.

Austin's Preschool

Austin's Preschool Class took a fieldtrip to "Bouncin' Off the Walls". This was a fieldtrip that Spencer could come to as well, which he loved and now he always asks if he gets to go to school with Austin again.
This is very blurry but there was a giant slide that the boys loved to go on.
This is Austin sliding down.

Here is Spence. He would only go down on his belly.

Austin getting off the slide. Look at that smile, you can tell he loved it.

Austin had a Christmas Program at the library.

Singing songs with his class.

He did great. I always thought he would be shy and hate to be up in front of people but he enjoys it. He did well on his memorized part and he loves to sing.