Saturday, November 3, 2012


Elmo--I think my favorite. It looked the best lit and outside on the porch.

The Grim Reaper---spooky

Boo!  A ghost

We are huge McQueen fans at our house of course one of the boys had to choose
Mater and Lightning McQueen.
Lightning McQueen

All of our pumpkins ready to be lit.

Buzz Lightyear and Robot Ray being very silly.

Excited for trick or treating.

Austin had a Halloween program at the library with his preschool. They were so cute.
They each had 2 lines to say and they sang some songs. Austin did really good memorizing his part and he loves to sing!

Singing his favorite song "Mean Old Witch with a Hat"

An old picture but this was his first day of preschool. He was so excited. We are glad that he is enjoying school and hope it will continue for many more years.

Spencer's 2nd Birthday

This was the birthday cake he choose. He loves "Keen" as he says it.
 As you will see he gets a kick out of Lightning McQueen.

A cool dumptruck from Aunt Shir.

Pushing around dumptruck and McQueen. He would have been happy with just those, but he is spoiled and got lots more from all his family.

Austin loved all the presents too.

Busy playing with all of his McQueen toys.

Even though he wanted us to we couldn't forget it was Ben's birthday too.
He had presents to open as well.

Blowing out the candles on his cake.
We had two cakes, the McQueen cake for Spence and a zucchini cake for Ben.

Showing off the Mater and McQueen that were on his cake.

Pushing around his own wheelbarrow.

Playing with all his toys on the floor with Brett, Syd and Amy.

Carrie Underwood Concert

For my birthday Ben bought me tickets to go to Carrie Underwood. The concert was in October and we had a great time. I really enjoy her concerts.

She had several outfit changes.

She floated across the crowd and came closer to us.

Singing with Brad Paisley (on screen)

BYU kick-off

The Jameson's are huge BYU fans and they go every year down for the Fall Sports Kick-off. This year we were able to go and the boys had a blast.
Standing by the huge Cosmo balloon.
Austin throwing a football throw the hole.
Spencer's turn to throw the ball.
They ran the cross country sprint about a dozen times. They loved it.

Go Austin Go!

Spence would get tired and walk but he still loved it!

Big Springs and West Yellowstone

It's tradition to go to Big Springs and West Yellowstone every year.
This year there was a moose right in the Springs

Finally got scared off by all the people and ran back into the forest.

Looking over the bridge down at the huge fish.

A gigantic bear bed at a  store in West Yellowstone.
Playing around the picnic area. My boys love to be outside!

Island Park

We love camping at Island Park. This was our campsite.

We brought lots of things to entertain the boys.
Spencer was very busy playing all day.

My parents were the campsite across from us. So we hung out there too with Pa, grandma, Jon, Jacey and Mamy (Amy).

Austin loved the campfire every night. This year we did not have any sweeping incidents.

Spencer fell off the sleeping bag and slept on the floor of the tent.

Playing trucks

Austin loved playing the golf ball game with Jacey, Jon and Mamy.

Pushing trucks up the road.

The only way Spencer got his nap was when grandma would take him for a walk.