Friday, March 23, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday Austin!

This was the cake that he chose. Harmon's did a good job, it looked great and we all thought it tasted yummy!
He insisted on having a party hat and wore it most of the day. It was kind of cute. Here he is opening Uncle Jon's present--- Toy Story 2 . It is to replace the one that got watched so much and got scratched. You can tell he loves Buzz and Woody.
This is him so excited for his Sand Box. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Jameson!

He got lots of clothes because he didn't have any shorts or short-sleeve shirts that fit anymore.

Spencer sitting in the castle sand box. He is pretty excited too.

Mr. Potato Head from Aunt Sydni. Another thing inspired from Toy Story.
He liked the shark bag from Grandma V. He is holding up Lion King, which is another movie that got all scratched. Now we have a locking cabinet for DVDs in hopes of preventing too many scratches.

A hooded towel from Aunt Nikki. Now he has one just like Spencer.
His guitar from Keegan, Nikki and Josh. He loves instruments, thanks to Little Einsteins. He really wanted a violin but we couldn't find one. He has been playing his guitar for 3 days straight now.

Grandpa Jameson being silly and wearing the birthday hat.
Aunt Jacey wearing it too, since it was her birthday 3 days ago.
Austin can't wait to have cake!
Waiting for Dad to light the candles.
Happy Birthday Austin! We love you!

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