Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Catching Up

It's been a busy month since my last post. So here are some details in a nutshell. It was nice to have 2 solid weeks off (without pay, of course) for the holidays. I really like that Ben and I have the same days off so that we can do stuff together. Over the break we painted the baby room ocean blue and wallpapered one wall in blue, yellow and tan plaid. Actually I should say Ben painted and wallpapered, I spent most of the break being sick and in pain (which will lead to another story). It looks really nice, we only wallpapered up half the wall and then there is a natural wains coating that goes on the wall. We also installed a new ceiling fan and blinds. We also ordered a crib and changing table which should be delivered shortly. We bought a new rocking chair and have new carpet ordered and just waiting for an installation date. We also went to Target and registered. ben loves to use the scanning gun. Christmas Eve and Christmas were long days. We decided we are not going to try to see both families on both days anymore. From now on we will do one family each day and call it good. We hated all the snow that we received around the holidays. Even Ben admitted that he was tired of snowblowing, which he had been looking forward to using since he got a brand new snowblower for his birthday. We can't wait for Spring.

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