Thursday, November 13, 2008

Twenty Two Weeks

Well, I am past the half way point and only two days from being 22 weeks along. Ben and I were thinking that maybe we should be counting backwards now. 18 weeks to go sounds better than 22 weeks along. Anyway, here is what is happening this week for Austin.

Week Twenty-Two

Your baby weighs close to a pound at this point!
Your baby can now hear your conversations more clearly than before!. When you talk, read, or sing, expect her to hear you. Studies have found that newborns will suck more vigorously when read to from a book they heard frequently in utero.
Eyelids and eyebrows are fully formed.
Fingernails have grown to the end of the fingers.
Be prepared for all those "Why" questions coming! Your baby's brain has entered a stage of rapid growth, especially in what's called the germinal matrix. This structure deep in the middle of the brain serves as a kind of factory for brain cells and disappears shortly before birth. But the brain's amazing expansion program continues until around the five birthday.
With some help from mom, baby's liver is starting to break down bilirubin, a substance produced by red blood cells.
If your baby is male his testes begin their descent to the scrotum.
Primitive sperm have formed and he is producing testosterone.
Length is 10.94 inches (27.8cm); weight is nearly 1 pound (430gm).

Isn't it interesting all the things that happen and the order that it happens.


Jacey said...

What are you going to do if he comes out and he doesn't look like an Austin??

Brittany said...

Surprise!! I found your blog. :) I think counting down instead of up is a GREAT idea. I wish I would have thought of it!