Friday, March 23, 2012

Austin's Birthday Trip to Thanksgiving Point Dinosaur Museum Part 2

Austin wanted to see dinosaurs for his birthday so we decided to take advantage of his membership to Thanksgiving Point that Grandma Jameson gave him for Christmas. Ben took off work after lunch and we headed down.
This was one of his favorite things. He loved playing with the dinosaurs and sand in the water table.
Spencer loved it too. His favorite thing was splashing mom and dad.
There were only a few other kids at the table while we were there, which was good because our boys hoarded the dinosaurs. Thankfully, there were a ton of dinosaurs in there.

Don't you love the head tilt? It's his new thing to tilt his head and say cheese for a picture. He really liked riding the dinosaur.
Watch our Austin and Daddy the shark is going to eat you!!!

The last room of the museum was sand and bones. Both boys loved playing in the sand.

Spencer loved the feel of the sand.
One of the rooms was a Science in Motion exhibit on loan from the San Francisco Exploratorium. Austin loved playing with this huge spinning disc. He would put the pieces on and watch them slide off.

The head tilt again. What a silly boy!
Spencer didn't feel well and enjoyed most of the museum in the stroller but he was fascinated with the smoke machine.

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